Text that reads, Friends Not Food Text that reads, Coming Soon

Sitcom Pilot? Film? Activism? Yes!

Brilliantly facetious dialogue + natural behavior of 200+ animals of 12 species + sharp-witted improv with said animals + an unconventional location =

Friends Not Food is a unique piece of rib-tickling entertainment that will provide ample opportunity to shepherd real-life attention to the sentience, intelligence, and jocularity of these uproarious residents.

This in turn will encourage veganism, drastically reducing animal agriculture, leaving those remaining precious resources for humans, directly decelerating climate change, and thereby saving the world.

Seasoned Vegan food cart serving food
A person petting a dog at a sanctuary
A side profile of a goat

Once Upon a Facetime...

Rachel, 3 cats away from being a city spinster, receives an unexpected, unorthodox offer to give up the glamour of her cubicle to go feed pigs and scoop poop at a faltering sanctuary in rural Florida.

Obvs she accepts, and her arrival involves the introduction to manifold animals, a muddy handful of locals, and mad debt. Connect with these peeps to raise some funds, or there will be no more poop to scoop.

And so begins a new life amidst a cast of characters that almost seems made up.

A person sitting next to a pig at a sanctuary


They'll try to sell you a whole series about it *eye roll*

Cows standing next to eachother

What could be more ingenious than an ostensibly vapid program subliminally turning its viewers plant-based?

That's not exactly what we're doing here. This season. But we figured hating-on-vegans has been a national pastime for like a decade now so someone should really lean into that. Let's show the hilarity, eccentricity, banality of an actual working sanctuary punctuated by some of those crazy animal-people. But scripted, of course.

And because some of the production team actually are nutty vegans, there's another shtick. This piece o' work will never actually use any of the 200+ animals on set. We don't believe in commodifying sentient beings, so we're just gonna go forth and shoot, knowing that at any moment the actors may get jumped on, bleated at, nuzzled, pecked, and... whatever zebus do - so the use of improv will be strong with this one.